Project Moshen - An All Female Jazz Dance Company

An All Female Jazz Dance Company

Founded in 2010, Project Moshen set out to revive the style of jazz dance in Philadelphia. Combining the artistic side and the commercial side of dance, Artistic Director Kelli Moshen, blends the two styles & elements together to showcase her fast, intricate, urban style of jazz dance.

Project Moshen produces two shows a year, performs at various events, visits schools in the community, and holds master classes at Philadelphia area universities. Through these efforts, the company hopes to spread their passion, creativity, and knowledge of jazz dance to the community, along with bringing this style of jazz back to life in Philadelphia.



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GENERATIONS - a dance benefit concert

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We are so excited to be performing in IDA’s Generations Dance Concert for the 5th year in a row!

IDA's Generations Dance Concert brings together professional Philadelphia-based dance companies, independent Philly artists, IDA faculty, and the IDA Repertory Companies to perform annually for a cause that is near and dear to IDA. 100% of all money generated from tickets sales is donated to the benefiting charities. The Generations dance concert series has raised over $50,000 for organizations including Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium, Katie’s Kids for the Cure, CHOP, Breast Cancer Research Foundation, Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, Be The Match, Ronald McDonald House, Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America and the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.

Generations is more than a dance concert. It teaches young, budding artists and dancers that they can dance and perform for a greater good. It also brings new, innovative, artistic, and entertaining choreography to the community creating an excitement and appreciation for the art of dance.

visit for more info!

Earlier Event: October 22
Koresh Artist Showcase