Project Moshen - An All Female Jazz Dance Company

An All Female Jazz Dance Company

Founded in 2010, Project Moshen set out to revive the style of jazz dance in Philadelphia. Combining the artistic side and the commercial side of dance, Artistic Director Kelli Moshen, blends the two styles & elements together to showcase her fast, intricate, urban style of jazz dance.

Project Moshen produces two shows a year, performs at various events, visits schools in the community, and holds master classes at Philadelphia area universities. Through these efforts, the company hopes to spread their passion, creativity, and knowledge of jazz dance to the community, along with bringing this style of jazz back to life in Philadelphia.



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LIVE STREAMING: WOMAN - May 1st - May 3rd

Join us after our HAPPY HOUR and Q&A

Friday, May 1st

to live stream our 2018 production,


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Stream our 2018 production WOMAN ALL weekend long on our Vimeo page!

WOMAN was a production about women's rights and all the strong, beautiful, and powerful women in our world. When this show first premiered, it was described as "Jazzy Stylings and Female Strength" (
The Dance Journal) and some were saying WOMAN "highlights women's confidence - in their abilities, bodies, minds, equality, independence, credibility" (Jewish Exponent). WOMAN included some fan favorites like "Working Girl", "Silenced No More", and "Won't Stand Down". 

P.S. Saturday, May 2nd @1pm Project Moshen's virtual class will feature a combo from a piece in WOMAN! Doesn't get more ALL ACCESS than that!